Last Updated: November 28th, 2023|928 words|9.3 min read|Views: 4355|1 Comment on UK Health Insurance for International Students|

The United Kingdom has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, which is known as the NHS (National Health Services). The National Health System (NHS) offers healthcare coverage to all legal residents, regardless of nationality or visa status. So international students in the UK can get benefit from it just like British citizens do. However, they will have to pay a surcharge when applying for their student visas. Here’s what you need to know about UK health insurance for international student.

Does an International Student Need Private Health Insurance in the UK?

International students in the UK do not need to purchase private health insurance, but if you want coverage for medical treatment outside of what’s offered by the NHS, then you can make a purchase. You’ll find that some people with British visas or residency have their own policies even though they’re automatically enrolled into this country’s renowned National Health Service (NHS).

How much does an international student need to pay for health insurance in the UK?

International students in the UK have to pay £470 per year for health insurance. This is called an Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), and you’ll need it along with visa application fees when applying; but if your course lasts less than six months, then there’s no additional charge. You just need to pay £235. The IHS (Immigration Health Surcharge) will give you access to NHS benefits.

However, the cost mentioned above is just for an individual student. If you have dependent, then the cost will be different. You can calculate the cost here.

How to Pay the UK Student Immigration Health Surcharge?

Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) is an additional fee that has to be paid when applying for UK Student Visa. If you submit your application online, the IHS will automatically debit from either a credit card or bank account during processing and can take up until 30 minutes before returning back to completing this part if needed.

However, there are certain circumstances where submissions must happen by post instead–in these cases users should still provide all required information such as the type of visa you have applied for, your contact details, and so on. Once you have made the payment successfully, you will get an IHS reference number in order to provide for your visa application.

What is an NHS number?

The NHS provides a unique identifier for you after registering with them. You don’t need this number in order to access the NHS services. The number is just for record keeping as well as identification. The medical providers will keep track and access your health records through this number. You will get this NHS number from the NHS website.

What Does the NHS Cover and What Doesn’t?

You have paid the Immigration Health Surcharge? Congratulations! Now you are registered to the National Health Services. Therefore, you will get all the benefits that the NHS covers. However, you also need to know what the NHS doesn’t cover.

What NHS Covers:

  • Visiting a government-funded clinic and consulting with the doctor.
  • Hospital treatment after an emergency (A&E).
  • Minor-injury treatment in a public clinic.
  • Consulting with a specialist if you get referred by your General Practitioner (GP).
  • Contraception, a method to prevent pregnancy.

What NHS Doesn’t Cover:

  • Prescription medication.
  • Dental care and Eyecare, such as sight tests, glasses, or contact lenses.
  • Wigs and fabric support.

You need to register with a local GP (General Practitioner) after arriving in the United Kingdom. You will get the first treatment from the GP.

What is GP and How to Register for a GP?

GP or General Practitioner is a doctor who serves under the National Health Services (NHS). The general practitioners work along with other healthcare professionals at local clinics.

Most General Practitioners in the United Kingdom own a website through which you can register for. In case, the online registration is not available, you can contact them either by phone call, email or visiting the clinic.

You need an IHS reference number, and your student residence card. And of course, you have to fill up a GMS1 registration form to register with a GP.

The process of visiting doctors in the UK for international students

International students visiting a GP or walk-in clinic in the UK get care for free. But you need to wait for your turn during open hours, visiting walk-in clinics. Thus, you can make an appointment earlier with your GP to skip the long waits. You might still face long waiting depending on how many people have requested appointments at once with your GP. So you should plan accordingly. In fact, it’s better to book an appointment 2-3 days before at least if you live in a busy city or area.

After booking the appointment, you will visit there according to the schedule. First, you need to show the proof of your appointment to the reception, they will direct you to the doctor. Then you will get initial treatment. If you need any further diagnosis or treatment, then your GP will refer you to a specialist or consultant, depending on your need.

Is Dental Care and Prescription Medication Covered with NHS for International Students?

The NHS doesn’t cover dental care and prescription medication for international students. However, it’s very affordable in the UK so you do not need to spend too much for dental care as well as prescription medication.

Free dental care is available for only some specific group of students such as students below 18, pregnant women, and hospital inpatients.

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  1. Amin Mokki May 19, 2022 at 2:19 am - Reply

    Very important website guide line

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