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Last Updated: December 10th, 2023|1865 words|18.7 min read|Views: 674|0 Comments on Is there any health insurance for international students in the US?|
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As an international student, a few things are required to move from one nation to another for study purposes. Health insurance is one of the mains while you are studying in another country. Similarly, the US also required health insurance as well as a health clearance certificate for international students for their safety. Health insurance is provided to international students so that they will not be financially responsible for any medical expenses when staying overseas.

The types of health insurance depend on the country you are studying in. In some countries, for example in the US, students will have to purchase private health insurance. In other countries, such as Canada, students can get health insurance coverage through the university health plan.

If you are interested in applying to any US university, you must have knowledge regarding health insurance for international students in the US. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about health insurance for international students in the US. So keep reading.

List of Top 14 Universities Offering Health Insurance for International Students

University     Names University Type Health Insurance Coverage Options
Arizona State University Comprehensive public research university
  • United Healthcare Student Resources
  • Existing Personal Insurance Plans and Healthcare.Gov information
  • Bridge Discount Plan
Elon University Private university iNext international insurance:

  • Visiting a doctor for a diagnosis
  • testing and medical care prescribed by a doctor
  • unexpected quarantine that causes a delay in travel
  • Acute care for pre-existing conditions
Illinois Institute of Technology Private research university Illinois Tech’s health insurance:

  • Preventative care
  • Inpatient care
  • Outpatient care
  • Emergency care
  • Mental health care
  • Vision care
  • Dental care
California Institute of Technology Private research university
  • Short-term insurance for students, scholars, and families
San Francisco State University Public research university GeoBlue Blue Card PPO:

  • Doctor’s Visits
  • Hospital Stays
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Emergency Care
University of Southampton Public research university
  • Emergency And Non-Emergency Treatment
  • Dental Treatment
  • Optical Treatment
  • Travel And Repatriation
  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
University of California Public research university
  • Provides medical, counseling, prescription, vision, and dental services
Metropolitan State University Public university
  • 100% coverage for all medical services.
  • $0 office visits, procedures, and supplies.
  • $20 maximum cost per prescription.
  • No deductible, no co-insurance, no co-payments.
Yale University Private research university
  • Cost-sharing provisions,
  • Coverage limitations, and exceptions,
  • No limitation for pre-existing conditions,
  • Most preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services involve no deductibles and no claim forms.
Long Island University Private university
  • Coverage for medical evacuation of $100,000 or over
  • Coverage for repatriation of $50,000 or more
Texas A&M University Public research university
  • Coverage for doctor’s visits, prescription drugs, and hospital stays
  • Dental coverage for exams, cleanings, fillings, and extractions
  • Vision coverage for exams, glasses, and contacts
  • Emergency medical transportation
  • Travel accident insurance
  • 24/7 nurse advice line
University of Hartford Private university Health, Counseling, and Wellness Service Coverage
Kaplan University USA Private university
  • Mental health counseling
  • Prescription medications
  • Vision and dental services
  • Emergency medical events
  • Routine hospital/doctor visits
  • Surgical and other medical procedures
Illinois State University Public university
  • Continuous year‐round coverage
  • Coverage for gender-affirming surgeries
  • Vision Services and few more.

All the above-mentioned Medicaid plans are subject to update, modification, or change at any time based on the universities’ authorities and the plan may also be denied depending on the student category, status, age, and other valid reasons.

What are the health insurance requirements for international students in the US

The health insurance requirements for international students differ from one university to another depending on the student’s visa status and type. However, most international students can have health insurance in order to study in the US. Though the requirements vary but below we are presenting the general ones below:



The amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance starts to cover your medical expenses is referred to as the deductible. The majority of insurance organizations demand a $500 maximum deductible.


Students are generally asked to buy insurance plans with a policy maximum of at least $50,000.

Coverage for Remains Repatriation

The coverage for repatriation of remains gives your family financial support in the case of your death so they can send your mortal remains back to your family.

Insurance for Existing Conditions

You must include any pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, heart condition, and so on in your insurance plan. In the newly added rules, you must show your pre-history of connecting Covid-19.

Types of Health Insurance for International Students

There are three main types of health insurance that are available to international students in the US:

Health Insurance Supported By The University

Many US universities provide overseas students with general health insurance policies

Individual health insurance

International students studying in the US have access to a variety of individual health insurance options. There are a number of insurance companies that provide international students with health insurance. However, the individual insurance plan that you have to proceed on your own may be more expensive than those provided by the universities.

Pregnancy Insurance

Even though not all institutions provide it if you have a kid while studying in the US then health insurance is provided for you and the US government will arrange another US health insurance for your child.

Medical travel insurance

A sort of insurance called travel medical insurance is made to pay for medical costs incurred when traveling overseas. For international students who only intend to visit the US temporarily, this kind of insurance may be a reasonable choice

Coverage For Mental Health

Being foreign students, leaving family and close ones in their home country, all students should have access to mental health care. Which not only covers all mental health-related issues but also assists students who are struggling with culture shock or homesickness

Options for Health Insurance in the US for International Students

There are three types of options for Health Insurance in the US for International Students. They are-

  1. Mandatory Group Plan
  2. Mandatory Group, with the option to Waive
  3. Optional Plan

Below we are giving details of the mentioned plans for Health Insurance in the US for International Students:

Mandatory group plan

The Mandatory group plan is the plan that is offered and covered by your selected and desired university or college which is the most affordable option. This plan covers almost most of the medical needs and expenses that an international student may require in a foreign land.

Mandatory group plan with the option to waive

There are three main types of health insurance that are available to international students in the US:

Optional plan

Optional plan is a plan where you have to plan and purchase health insurance plans and select insurance companies all on your own. There are many different optional plans available in the US. You have to find the right fit based on needs and budget but it is a matter of concern that these plans will be more expensive than the mandatory group plans set by the universities.

Process of Getting Health Insurance in The US

Below we are proving the general steps to ensure health insurance as an international student in the US:

  • First, you have to check with your university whether they provide any health insurance plan because if you do the process individually then it may cost you a big amount.
  • You must ask the university authority whether their health insurance plan is covered in your tuition fees or if there are any extra charges.
  • If you need to apply for health insurance all by yourself then you first need to search for companies that offer health insurance for international students in the US. We will list some US health insurance for international students below:
list of US health insurance companies
  • You should try to get the best deal for students that health insurance companies are offering.
  • You should list your needs down and compare them to the plans the companies are offering to you.

How to Choose the Right Health Insurance Plan

To choose the right health insurance plan for you you have to follow some steps. Before choosing the Right Health Insurance Plan you have to determine the following points:

  • Needs and expenditures of the student
  • Coverage offered by the plan
  • Cost of the plan
  • Offered plan’s terms and conditions
  • Offered plan’s duration and coverage

Length of Health Insurance Coverage for international students in the US

The length and coverage of the health insurance for international students in the US varies time to time and based on different institute it also varies. However, most US universities cover health insurance for international students throughout their entire student life until finishing their degree.
In addition, if any institute does not cover health insurance for the entire student life, then in this case students can purchase the health insurance for the rest of the time or they can go for optional plans too.

Cost of Health Insurance for International Students in the US

Likewise the length and coverage of the health insurance for international students in the US, the cost also varies. In some cases the university has some hidden charges that are included in your tuition fees, however the change is very minimal if you go with the university plan. Some institutes provide health insurance completely free of cost for international students but on average, such a university-planned health insurance may cost approximately $500 to $1,000 per year.

Benefits of having health insurance

Being a foreign student with health insurance is a plus point in many ways. In foreign, the healthcare system is very expensive because of the quality as a result a minor illness or injury can lead to big medical invoices.
The importance of health insurance is vital. Below we are pointing out the main ones:

  • Health insurance will cover all your health-related expenses partially and in some countries, the full cost is bared.
  • You can save money on health-related issues.
  • International health insurance may give you access to get into the diversity of international health care with quality.

Being an international health insurance holder you will be able to live a healthy life which is the biggest plus point of having health insurance.


  1. Being an international student can I get health insurance in the US?
    Answer: There are numerous health insurance plans arranged by the US government and universities which covers almost all the needs of international students. You can easily avail the opportunity after arriving in the US for your higher studies.
  2. Is it tough to get health insurance in the US?
    Answer: If you have a proper student visa and provide all the required documents properly to the university or the insurance company, then there will be no obstacles.
  3. Do US universities have health insurance plans for international students?
    Answer: Almost all US universities have special health insurance plans for international students which cover almost every need of international students and they are budget-friendly too.


Health insurance plays an important part in every student living and studying in the US. International students should carefully consider their needs and budget when choosing a health insurance plan. By doing so, they can ensure that they have the coverage they need in case of an illness or injury.

I hope now you have a clear vision regarding the health insurance plans for the US. As an international student getting health insurance is vital.

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