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Last Updated: April 18th, 2023|1254 words|12.5 min read|Views: 1297|0 Comments on How the education system in Turkey works – Career Paths|
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Turkey, officially the Republic of Türkiye, is mainly a part of mainly of Western Asia, with a small portion in Southeast Europe. Because of its large population of students and citizens from many different countries, Turkey is one of the best places in the world to experience cultural diversity. One of the main reasons foreign students choose Turkey as their study destination is exposure to different cultures and the education system in Turkey.

The Turkish educational system is divided into four basic levels: pre-primary, primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. The education system in Turkey has compulsory education for twelve years. Firstly, four years each of primary school, secondly, middle school, and high school, and lastly, comes higher education which includes which means that a child must start school at the age of six.

History of Education in Turkey

The history of the Education system in Turkey is diverse and has a long history. Over time it has flourish and seen improvements immensely.

History of Education in Turkey

This is a new addition to the Education System In Turkey which was formed in the year of 2012. According to the new law, compulsory, primary and secondary education in Turkey is named 4+4+4. This means a four-year primary education, first level, 4 years First School or first level of primary education, 4 years of middle school or second level of primary education, and 4 years of secondary education or high school.

Education Levels in Turkey

Higher Education

Higher education in Turkey is diverse and worldwide recognized. Higher education in turkey includes Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and the highest Doctorate or Ph.D. degrees. All higher education seekers should complete their secondary education to get admission. The Turkish education system

Certainly, over 135 countries now have students in Canada, with the majority coming from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Subsequently, it proudly competed with the US, Germany, and the UK.

Pre-Primary Education System In Turkey

The pre-primary education system in Turkey is also available. However, it is not compulsory for all but most of the students are seen taking part in it. The Pre Primary Education System In Turkey starts from the age of 3 to 6. Mainly, the children who are under the compulsory age of the Education System In Turkey.

Primary Education System In Turkey

The Primary Education System In Turkey lasts for four years. The age is limited from 6 to 14 for Primary Education System In Turkey. The grades start from one to nine. Most importantly, this is the starting phase of the compulsory education system in Turkey. Primary education in Turkey lasts for eight long years and is divided into two parts; First School or first level (The first five years), Middle School or second level (The last three years of primary school). Turkish, Math, foreign languages, science, history, etc will be taught in the primary education system in Turkey.

Secondary Education System In Turkey

Secondary Education System In Turkey is also referred to as the high schools in Turkey. The Secondary Education System In Turkey starts at age 15 and ends at 17. The grades are 10, 11, and 12. This level of education is also in the compulsory education law of Turkey. It is the most important stage of all. It gives all the children the common knowledge of education and also prepares students for the next and broad level of education.

4 plus 4 plus 4 System

is within the budget and it also offers some top-notch scholarships for higher education

Language in Turkey

Are you afraid of the language issue in Turkey? Though Turkish is the main and most used language in Turkey students have numerous advantages in turkey. English is regarded as an official language that benefits the country, along with the country’s other official languages. Furthermore, to know the rich diversity and language you can get admission to almost every university without knowing Turkish.

There are so many Popular Universities in Turkey. All of them are equally providing their best education to all the enrolled students. The followings are the best among other universities of Turkey.

University Names Location in Turkey QS World University Ranking (2023) Global Score
Koç University Istanbul =477 24.9
Middle East Technical University Ankara 501-510
Sabanci University Istanbul 531-540
Bilkent University Ankara 561-570
Istanbul Technical University Maslak 601-650
Bogaziçi Üniversitesi Istanbul 701-750
Hacettepe University Ankara 801-1000
Istanbul University Istanbul 801-1000
Ankara Üniversitesi Ankara 1001-1200
Gazi Üniversitesi Ankara 1001-1200

Popular Program in Turkey

Program Available in Turkey Approximate Tuition Fee Per Year
Business Administration, Economics
  • Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
  • Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Abdullah gul university
$3,000 to $10,000
Science, Computer Science, IT
  • Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
  • Abdullah gul university
  • Dicle University
$3,000 to $12,000
  • Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
  • Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Kirikkale Üniversitesi
$3,902 to $5,000
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
  • Bogaziçi Üniversitesi
  • Sabanci University
  • Celal Bayar University
$3,000 to $10,000
Health, Biology
  • Ankara Üniversitesi
  • Ege University
  • Middle East Technical University
  • School of Social Science and Engineering
$3,000 to $10,000

Turkish Online Degree

Turkey is also famous for its distance learning. Amid the global outbreak of Covid-19, many universities around the world started distance learning. It is equally famous in Turkey too.

Best Online Universities in Turkey

University Names Main Location Turkey
Istanbul Kültür University

Yaşar University

Fenerbahçe University

Haliç University

Istanbul Commerce University

Istanbul Okan University

Ege University

Dokuz Eylül University









Best Areas for International Students in Turkey

Turkey has the schooling rate of 94.2 percent. Moreover, This famous historic country is also ranked high in the world in terms of higher education and Ph.D. degrees. It is also a member of the European Higher Education Area. Therefore, the degree earned from any Turkish university will be beneficial and highly recognized like in other European countries.

The country is well known for so many reasons. The historic lines, foods, historic places, culture, religion, and so on are the reasons why students chose Turkey as their education destination. The following places are famous for their beauty and educational institutes:

  • Istanbul
  • Ankara
  • Izmir
  • Eskişehir
  • Bursa
  • Antalya

Funding and Scholarship in Turkey

The Turkish government has been providing a fully funded program for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees for local as well as the international students. However, the scholarship offers change every year. You can get a thorough understanding after reading our article on “Study in Turkey with Scholarship”.


Which are the most well-known fields to study in Turkey?

Textiles and Design, Business Administration, Computer Science, and Engineering are the top studied programs in Turkey.

Which Turkish city has the most international students?

Most of the students choose Istanbul as their educational destination.

At which age high school starts in Turkey?

High school lasts from age 15 to 17.

What grade is 11 years old in Turkey?

A Turkish student studies in Grade 6 at the age of 11.


I hope now you get a clear idea of the Education system in Turkey. To sum up, I would like to say the Turkish education system has gone through so many changes over time. But it has always been on the top list in terms of good education and rules.

If you’re a higher education seeker and want an excellent education with is budget, then look no further than Turkey. With high rankings and low costs, you will be privileged enough to get the top education system in Turkey.

Therefore, it is nearly clear that you have a complete idea of the Education system in Turkey. You can leave a comment below if you have any questions about the educational system in Turkey.

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